We respect your privacy and we are committed to ensuring that you are adequately informed on how you can manage your cookies.


Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.

Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.e. they record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.

We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities.


We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently.

Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:

  • Detecting the country you are currently visiting from
  • Checking browser type and device
  • Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly

Type of Cookies We Use

  • Functional cookies: These cookies are essential for the running of our website. Without these cookies our websites would not function properly. These are saved temporarily as login information and expire once the browser is closed.
  • Analytical cookies: The information provided by analytical cookies allows us to analyse patterns of visitor behaviour and we use that information to enhance the overall experience or identify areas of the website which may require maintenance. The information is anonymous (i.e. it cannot be used to identify you and does not contain personal information such as your name and email address) and it is only used for statistical purposes. Behavioural cookies are similar to analytical and remember that you have visited a website and use that information to provide you with content which is tailored to your interests.

To change your cookie settings, click here.